Optimising python code
Some guiding principles:
- Only optimise code if you need to. By optimising it, will it be able to run on something you couldn't analyse otherwise? Will it save you more computation than the time it takes to optimise? Will lots of other people use the code, and therefore collectively save time?
- In my experience, going after >10x speedups is usually worth it as it hits the first two objectives. Going after ~2x speedups can often be worth it for commonly used programs, or that you intend to distribute as software. A 10% speedup is rarely worth it for research code -- this would be useful in library code used by thousands of people.
- Get the code to work before optimising it. It's helpful to have a test to ensure any changes you make haven't broken anything.
- Do your optimisation empirically, i.e. use a profiler. We're pretty bad at working out by intuition where the slow parts of the code are.
For now, we'll focus on a python example, but the ideas are similar in R.
- Counting codons
- Profiling
- Optimisation strategies
- Memory optimisation
- Writing extensions in compiled code
- Other optimisations
- Notes (for next year)
Counting codons
The first example we will work through is counting codons from a multiple sequence alignment.
A multiple sequence alignment stored in FASTA format might look something like:
This format has sample headers which start >
followed by the sample name, followed
by the sequence, wrapped at 80 characters to make it more human readable. Gaps are given by -
We wish to count, at each aligned position, the number of observed codons for each of the 61 possible triplet positions plus the three stop codons TAG, TAA and TGA.
We'll use an example with aligned porB sequences from the bacterial pathogen Neisseria meningitidis, which you can download here.
Exercise Let's start off by writing some code in to read this file in and doing a simple check that the length is as expected (all the same, and a multiple of three). Let's also add some timing in, to see if we are improving when we add optimisations.
Have a go at this yourself, and then compare with the example below.
Example: read file
import time
import gzip
# Generator which keeps state after yield is called
# Based on a nice example: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7655072
def read_fasta_sample(fp):
name, seq = None, []
for line in fp:
line = line.rstrip()
if line.startswith(">"):
if name: yield (name, ''.join(seq).upper())
name, seq = line[1:], []
if name: yield (name, ''.join(seq).upper())
def read_file(file_name):
n_samples = 0
# Open either gzipped or plain file by looking for magic number
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/47080739
with open(file_name, 'rb') as test_f:
zipped = test_f.read(2) == b'\x1f\x8b'
if zipped:
fh = gzip.open(file_name, 'rt')
fh = open(file_name, 'rt')
with fh as fasta:
seqs = list()
names = list()
for h, s in read_fasta_sample(fasta):
if len(s) % 3 != 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"Sequence {h} is not a multiple of three")
elif len(seqs) > 0 and len(s) != len(seqs[0]):
raise RuntimeError(f"Sequence {h} is length {len(s)}, expecting {len(seqs[0])}")
return seqs, names
def main():
start_t = time.time_ns()
seqs, names = read_file("BIGSdb_024538_1190028856_31182.dna.aln.gz")
end_t = time.time_ns()
time_ms = (end_t - start_t) / 1000000
print(f"Time to read {len(seqs)} samples: {time_ms}ms")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Don't worry about perfecting your code at this point! Let's aim for something that runs easily and works, which we can then improve if we end up using it.
In the example above I have added a timer so we can try and keep track of how long
each section takes to run. A better way to do this would be to average over multiple
runs, for example using the timeit
module, but some measurement is better than no
I've made sure all the bases are uppercase so we don't have to deal with both
and A
in our counter, but I haven't checked for incorrect bases.
When I run this code, I see the following:
python example1.py
Time to read 4889 samples: 59.502ms
If I decompress the file first:
python example1.py
Time to read 4889 samples: 33.419ms
If you have a hard disk drive rather than a solid state drive, it is often faster to read compressed data and decompress it on the fly, as the speed of data transfer is the rate limiting step.
Exercise Now, using the sequences, write some code to actually count the codons. The output
should be a frequency vector at every site for every codon which does not
contain a -
. Do this however you like.
Example: count codons
def count_codons(seqs):
bases = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']
codon_len = int(len(seqs[0]) // 3)
counts = [dict()] * codon_len
for seq in seqs:
for codon_idx in range(codon_len):
nuc_idx = codon_idx * 3
codon = seq[nuc_idx:(nuc_idx + 3)]
if all([base in bases for base in codon]):
if codon in counts[codon_idx]:
counts[codon_idx][codon] += 1
counts[codon_idx][codon] = 1
count_vec = list()
for pos in counts:
pos_vec = list()
for base1 in bases:
for base2 in bases:
for base3 in bases:
codon = ''.join(base1 + base2 + base3)
if codon in pos:
return count_vec
Aside: debugging
My first attempt (above) was wrong and was returning an empty list. One way to look into this is by using a debugger.
Modern IDEs such as vscode and pycharm also let you run the debugger interactively, which is typically nicer than via the command line. However old school debugging is handy when you have to run your code on HPC systems, or with more complex projects such as when you have C++ and python code interacting.
python has pdb
built-in, you can run it as follows:
python -m pdb example1.py
and lldb
are equivalent debuggers for compiled code.)
Run help
to see the commands. Most useful are setting breakpoints with b
continuing execution with c
, r
, s
and n
; printing variables with p
By stopping my code on the line with codon = ''.join(base1 + base2 + base3)
by typing b 62
to add a breakpoint, then r
to run the code, I
can have a look at some counts:
p pos
{'ATG': 15401, 'TGA': 47348, 'GAA': 39489, 'AAA': 85118, 'AAT': 30105, 'ATC': 36135, 'TCC': 24440, 'CCC': 22958, 'CCT': 36610, 'CTG': 41756, 'GAT': 10002, 'ATT': 20458, 'TTG': 49731, 'TGC': 21500, 'GCC': 40734, 'GAC': 20218, 'ACT': 19778, 'CTT': 28321, 'TTT': 20797, 'TGG': 29906, 'GGC': 67370, 'GCA': 45599, 'CAG': 23779, 'AGC': 34794, 'TTC': 29469, 'TGT': 9964, 'GTT': 39620, 'CAA': 42858, 'GCT': 30373, 'ACG': 15084, 'CGT': 23916, 'TTA': 9198, 'TAC': 21812, 'ACC': 30370, 'GTA': 33903, 'CGG': 62505, 'CAC': 11408, 'CCA': 20119, 'CAT': 22822, 'TCA': 20719, 'AAG': 42061, 'CCG': 35604, 'GCG': 24592, 'TAG': 10002, 'AGA': 17961, 'AAC': 28534, 'CGC': 21035, 'CTC': 19077, 'TCT': 13737, 'GAG': 4230, 'ACA': 15865, 'GGA': 5578, 'GGT': 42665, 'GTC': 11842, 'AGG': 21378, 'GTG': 1830, 'TCG': 37628, 'GGG': 13214, 'TAA': 18253, 'CTA': 9810, 'TAT': 6398, 'ATA': 2220, 'CGA': 5452, 'AGT': 5939}
For starters, these seem far too high, as we wouldn't expect counts over the number of samples (4889).
Stopping at codon = seq[codon_idx:(codon_idx + 3)]
I see:
(Pdb) p codon
This looks ok. I'll step through some of the next lines with n
if codon in counts[codon_idx]:
(Pdb) p counts
[{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {
}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {},
{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {},
{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {
}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {},
{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {},
{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}]
Initialisation looks ok
> example1.py(51)count_codons()
-> counts[codon_idx][codon] = 1
(Pdb) n
> example1.py(45)count_codons()
-> for codon_idx in range(codon_len):
(Pdb) p counts
[{'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG'
: 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {
'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG':
1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'A
TG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}
, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG
': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1},
{'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG':
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ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1
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G': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1},
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: 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {
'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG':
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TG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}
, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG
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G': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1},
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'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG':
1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}, {'ATG': 1}]
Ah, here's one problem. My initialisation of counts looked like counts = [dict()] * codon_len
. What this
has actually done is initialised a single dictionary and copied a reference to it into every item of the list,
so when I update one reference only one underlying dictionary is operated on.
NB: we'll cover copying versus references in more detail later, but for now you can think of most python variables as a 'label' which points to a bit of memory containing the data. If you would like more information see this tutorial and the copy module.
I can fix this by using a list
comprehension counts = [dict() for x in range(codon_len)]
p pos
{'ATG': 4889}
Looks good.
Stepping through further it looks like I have forgotten to append each codon's vector to the overall return. So the fixed function looks like this:
Fixed codon count
def count_codons(seqs):
codon_len = int(len(seqs[0]) // 3)
counts = [dict() for x in range(codon_len)]
for seq in seqs:
for codon_idx in range(codon_len):
codon = seq[codon_idx:(codon_idx + 3)]
if not '-' in codon:
if codon in counts[codon_idx]:
counts[codon_idx][codon] += 1
counts[codon_idx][codon] = 1
bases = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']
count_vec = list()
for pos in counts:
pos_vec = list()
for base1 in bases:
for base2 in bases:
for base3 in bases:
codon = ''.join(base1 + base2 + base3)
if codon in pos:
return count_vec
This still takes around 300ms and gives what looks like a plausible result at first glance.
Exercise. Plot your results, and perhaps also plot a summary like the codon diversity at each site (one simple way is with entropy but ecological indices are typically better for count data).
You could use matplotlib
or plotly
for plotting,
or read the output into R and use {ggplot2}
Now that we have this baseline which are confident in, let's add a very simple test so when we add other functions we can check it's still working:
assert(codons_new = codons_correct)
A better approach would be to use a smaller dataset which we can write the result out for, and then add in more test cases. More on this in the software engineering module, but for now this is a sensible basic check.
Is 300ms fast or slow? Should we optimise this? We'll go into this more in the complexity section, but we can probably guess that the code will take longer with both more sequences \(N\) and more codon positions \(M\), likely linearly.
In the above code, the file reading needs to read and process \(NM\) bases,
the first loop in count_codons()
is over \(N\) sequences then \(M\) codon
positions with a constant update inside this, the second loop is over \(M\) positions
and 64 codons. So it would appear we can expect the scale of \(NM\) to determine
our computation.
So if we had 10000 genes, each around 1kb to do this with, and one million samples we'd expect it to take around \(10^4 \times \frac{10^3 \times 10^6}{4889 * 403}\) longer, so around 150 seconds, still pretty fast.
Using the principles above, even in this expanded case this probably isn't a good optimisation target. But, for the purposes of this exercise, let's assume we were working with reams and reams of sequence continuously, so that it was worth it. How should we start?
Well, the timings we have put in are already helpful. It looks like we're spending about 15% of the total time reading sequence in, and the remaining 85% counting the codons. So the latter part is probably a better target. This is a top-down approach to profiling and optimisation.
An alternative approach is to find 'hot' functions -- lower level parts of the code which are frequently called by many functions, and together represent a large amount of the execution time. This is a bottom-up approach.
Using a profiler can help you get a much better sense of what to focus on when you want to make your code faster. For compiled code:
- On OS X you can use 'Instruments'
- the Intel OneAPI has 'vtune' which is now free of charge.
- Rust has
which is very easy to use. - The classic choice is
, but it is more limited than these options.
Options for python don't usually manage to drill down to quite the same level. But
it's simple enough to get started with cProfile
as follows:
python -m cProfile -o cprof_results example1.py
See the guide on how to use the
module to view the results.
Another choice is line_profiler, which
works using @profile
Exercise. Profile your code with one of these tools. What takes the most time? Where would you focus your optimisation?
Optimisation strategies
The rest of this chapter consists of some general strategies for speeding your code up, once you have determined the slow parts. These aren't exhaustive.
Use a better algorithm or data structure
If you can find a way to do this, you can sometimes achieve orders of magnitude speedups. There are some common methods you can use, some of which you'll already be very familiar with. Often this is a research problem in its own right.
Look at the following code which counts codons. Although this looks like fairly reasonable code, it is about 50x slower than the approach above.
def count_codons_list(seqs):
codon_len = int(len(seqs[0]) // 3)
counts = list()
# For each sequence
for seq in seqs:
# For each codon in each sequence
for codon_idx in range(codon_len):
# Extract the codon and check it is valid
codon = seq[codon_idx:(codon_idx + 3)]
if not '-' in codon:
# Name codons by their position and sequence
codon_name = f"{codon_idx}:{codon}"
# If this codon has already been seen, increment its count,
# otherwise add it with a count of 1
found = False
for idx, entry in enumerate(counts):
name, count = entry
if name == codon_name:
counts[idx] = (name, count + 1)
found = True
if not found:
counts.append((codon_name, 1))
# Iterate through all the possible codons and find their final counts
bases = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']
count_vec = list()
for pos in range(codon_len):
pos_vec = list()
for base1 in bases:
for base2 in bases:
for base3 in bases:
codon_name = f"{pos}:{base1}{base2}{base3}"
found = False
for idx, entry in enumerate(counts):
name, count = entry
if name == codon_name:
found = True
if not found:
return count_vec
Even for this example optimisation becomes worth it. The code now takes 13s to run, so on the larger dataset it would take at least two hours. (But actually the scaling here is quadratic in samples and positions, so it would be more like 33 years! Now it's really worth improving).
Exercise Why is it slow? How would you improve it by using a different python data structure. Think about using profiling to guide you, and an assert to check your results match
Avoiding recomputing results
If you can identify regions where you are repeatedly performing the same computation,
you can move these out of loops and calculate them just once at the start. In compiled
languages, it is sometimes possible to generate constant values at compile time so
they just live in the program's code and they are never computed at run time (e.g.
with constexpr
or by writing out values by hand).
In the above code, we could avoid regenerating the codon keys:
bases = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']
codons = list()
for base1 in bases:
for base2 in bases:
for base3 in bases:
codon = ''.join(base1 + base2 + base3)
for pos in counts:
pos_vec = list()
for codon in codons:
if codon in pos:
Using timeit
to benchmark this against the function above (excluding set-up
and the filling of counts
which stays the same), run 1000 times:
fn1: 5.23s
fn2: 1.98s
A ~2.5x speedup, not bad.
We could also just write out a codon array by hand in the code. Although in this case, it's probably less error-prone to generate it using the nested for loops, the time taken to generate it is minimal. A case where this is useful are precomputing tails of integrals, which are commonly used in random number generation.
Using arrays and preallocation
In python, numpy
is an incredibly useful package for many types of scientific data,
and is very highly optimised. The default is to store real numbers (64-bit floating point,
but this can be changed by explicitly settting the dtype
.) In particular, large 2D arrays are almost always best in this format.
These also work well with pandas
to add metadata annotations to the data, scipy
and numpy.linalg
functions. Higher dimensions can also be used.
Comparing an array to a list of lists, data is written into one dimensional memory as follows:
0.2 0.4 0.5
0.3 0.1 0.2
0.1 0.9 1.2
memory (row-major/C-style):
0.2 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.9 1.2
memory (col-major/F-style):
0.2 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.9 0.5 0.2 1.2
list of lists:
address1 0.2 0.4 0.5
address2 0.3 0.1 0.2
address3 0.1 0.9 1.2
Row and column major order by Cmglee, CC BY-SA 4.0
The list of lists may have the rows separated in memory, they are written wherever
there is space. The arrays in numpy
are guaranteed to be contiguous. The data
can be written across rows (row-major), or down the columns (col-major). To access
a value, internally numpy's code looks something like this:
val = arr[i * i_stride + j * j_stride];
For row-major data, i_stride = 1
and j_stride = n_columns
. For col-major data
i_stride = n_rows
and j_stride = 1
. This can be extended into N dimensions
by adding further strides.
NB In R you can use the built-in array
type, with any vector of dimensions dim
. The indexing
is really intuitive and gives fast code. It's one of my favourite features of the
language. Note there is also a matrix
type, which uses exactly two dimensions and silently
converts all entries to the same type -- use with care (particularly with apply
, vapply
often safer).
Why are numpy arrays faster?
- No type checking, as you're effectively using C code.
- Less pointer chasing as memory is contiguous (see compiled languages).
- Optimisations such as vectorised instructions are possible for the same reason.
- Functions to work with the data have been optimised for you (particularly linear algebra). And in some cases preallocation of the memory is faster than dynamically sized lists (though in python this makes less of a difference as lists are pretty efficient).
Simple matrix multiplication order in memory by Maxiantor, CC BY-SA 4.0
Let's compare summing values in a list of lists to summing a numpy array:
import numpy as np
def setup():
xlen = 1000
ylen = 1000
rand_mat = np.random.rand(xlen, ylen)
lol = list()
for x in range(xlen):
sublist = list()
for y in range(ylen):
sublist.append(rand_mat[x, y])
return rand_mat, lol
def sum_mat(mat):
return np.sum(mat)
def sum_lol(lol):
full_sum = 0
for x in range(len(lol)):
for y in range(len(lol[x])):
full_sum += lol[x][y]
return full_sum
def main():
import timeit
rand_mat, lol = setup()
setup_str = '''
import numpy as np
from __main__ import setup
from __main__ import sum_mat
from __main__ import sum_lol
rand_mat, lol = setup()
print(timeit.timeit("sum_mat(rand_mat)", setup=setup_str, number=100))
print(timeit.timeit("sum_lol(lol)", setup=setup_str, number=100))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Which gives:
numpy sum: 500206.0241503447
list sum: 500206.0241503486
100x numpy sum time: 0.019256124971434474
100x list sum time: 9.559518916998059
A 500x speedup! Also note the results aren't identical, the implementations of sum cause slightly different rounding errors.
We can do a bit better using fsum
def sum2_lol(lol):
from math import fsum
row_sum = [fsum(x) for x in lol]
full_sum = fsum(row_sum)
return full_sum
This takes about 2s (5x faster than the original, 100x slower than numpy) and gives a more precise result.
There are also advantages to preallocating memory space too, i.e. giving the size of the data first, then writing into the structure using appropriate indices. With the codon counting example, that might look like this:
def count_codons_numpy(seqs):
# Precalculate codons and map them to integers
bases = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']
codon_map = dict()
idx = 0
for base1 in bases:
for base2 in bases:
for base3 in bases:
codon = ''.join(base1 + base2 + base3)
codon_map[codon] = idx
idx += 1
# Create a count matrix of zeros, and write counts directly into
# the correct entry
codon_len = int(len(seqs[0]) // 3)
counts = np.zeros((codon_len, len(codon_map)), np.int32)
for seq in seqs:
for codon_idx in range(codon_len):
codon = seq[codon_idx:(codon_idx + 3)]
if not '-' in codon:
counts[codon_idx, codon_map[codon]] += 1
return counts
This is actually a bit slower than the above code as the codon_map
accesses move around in memory rather than being to adjacent locations (probably
causing cache misses, but I haven't checked this.)
Sparse arrays
When you have numpy arrays with lots of zeros, as we do here, it can
be advantageous to use a sparse array. The basic idea is that rather than storing
all the zeros in memory, where we do have a non zero value (e.g. a codon count)
we store the value, its row and column position in the matrix. As well as saving
memory, some computations are much faster with sparse rather than dense arrays. They
are frequently used in machine learning applications. For example see lasso regression which can use a sparse array
as input, and jax
use in deep learning.
You can convert a dense array to a sparse array:
sparse_counts = scipy.sparse.csc_array(counts)
(3, 0) 4889
(4, 0) 4889
(5, 0) 4889
(6, 0) 4889
(81, 0) 4889
(82, 0) 613
(94, 0) 3281
In python you can use scipy.sparse.coo_array
to build a sparse array, then convert it into csr
or csc
to use in computation.
In R you can use dgTMatrix
and convert to dgCMatrix
for computation. The glmnet
package works well with this.
Just-in-time compilation
We mentioned above one of the reasons python code is not as fast as the numpy equivalent is due to the type checking that is needed when it is run. One way around this is with 'just-in-time compilation', where python bytecode is compiled to (fast) machine code at runtime and before a function executes, and checking of types is done once when the function is first compiled.
One package that can do this fairly easily is numba
works well with simple numerical code like the sum above, but less well
with string processing, data frames or other packages. It can even run some code
on CUDA GPUs (I haven't tried it -- a quick look suggests it is somewhat fiddly but actually
quite feature-complete).
In many cases, you can run numba
by adding an @njit
decorator to your function.
NB I would always recommend using nopython=true
or equivalently @njit
as you otherwise you won't see when numba
is failing to compile.
Exercise: Try running the sum_lol()
and sum_lol2()
functions using numba
Time them. Run them twice and time each run. Note that fsum
won't work, but you
can use sum
. You will also want to use List
from numba
Expand the section below when you have tried this.
Sums with numba
import numpy as np
from numba import njit
from numba.typed import List
def setup():
xlen = 1000
ylen = 1000
rand_mat = np.random.rand(xlen, ylen)
lol = List()
for x in range(xlen):
sublist = List()
for y in range(ylen):
sublist.append(rand_mat[x, y])
return rand_mat, lol
def sum_mat(mat):
return np.sum(mat)
def sum_lol(lol):
full_sum = 0
for x in range(len(lol)):
for y in range(len(lol[x])):
full_sum += lol[x][y]
return full_sum
def sum2_lol(lol):
row_sum = [sum(x) for x in lol]
full_sum = sum(row_sum)
return full_sum
def main():
import timeit
rand_mat, lol = setup()
setup_str = '''
import numpy as np
from __main__ import setup
from __main__ import sum_mat, sum_lol, sum2_lol
rand_mat, lol = setup()
# Compile the functions here
run1 = sum_mat(rand_mat)
run2 = sum_lol(lol)
run3 = sum2_lol(lol)
print(timeit.timeit("sum_mat(rand_mat)", setup=setup_str, number=100))
print(timeit.timeit("sum_lol(lol)", setup=setup_str, number=100))
print(timeit.timeit("sum2_lol(lol)", setup=setup_str, number=100))
if __name__ == "__main__":
This now gives the same result between both implementations:
and the numba variant using the built-in sum is a similar speed to numpy (time in s):
sum_mat 0.09395454201148823
sum_lol 2.7725684169563465
sum2_lol 0.08274500002153218
We can also try making our own array class with strides rather than using lists of lists:
def sum_row_ar(custom_array, x_size, x_stride, y_size, y_stride):
sum = 0.0
for x in range(x_size):
for y in range(y_size):
sum += custom_array[x * x_stride + y * y_stride]
return sum
This about twice as fast as the list of list sum (1.4s), but still a lot slower than the built-in sums which can benefit from other optimisations.
Working with characters and strings
Needing arrays of characters (aka strings) is very common in sequence analysis, particularly with genomic data. It's very easy to work with strings in python (less so in R), but not always particularly fast. If you need to optimise string processing ultimately you may end up having to use a compiled language -- we will work through an example counting substrings (k-mers) from sequence reads in a later chapter.
That being said, numpy does have some support for working with strings by treating
them as arrays of characters. Characters are usually
coded as ASCII, which
uses a single byte (8 bits: np.int8
depending on language).
Note that unicode, which is crucially needed for encoding emojis 🕴️ 🤯 🐈⬛ 🦉 and therefore essential to any modern research code, is a little more complex as it is variable length and uses an terminating character.
We can read our string directly into a numpy array of bytes as follows:
s = np.frombuffer(s.lower().encode(), dtype=np.int8)
Genome data often has upper and lowercase bases (a or A, c or C and so on) with no particular meaning assigned to this difference. It's useful to convert everything to a single case for consistency.
Here is an example converting the bases {a, c, g, t}
into {0, 1, 2, 3}
/{b00, b01, b10, b11}
and using some bitshifts to do the codon counting:
def inc_count(codon_map, X):
for idx, count in enumerate(codon_map):
X[count, idx] += 1
def count_codons(seqs, n_codons):
n_samples = 0
X = np.zeros((65, n_codons), dtype=np.int32)
for s in seqs:
n_samples += 1
s = np.frombuffer(s.lower().encode(), dtype=np.int8).copy()
# Set ambiguous bases to a 'bin' index
ambig = (s!=97) & (s!=99) & (s!=103) & (s!=116)
if ambig.any():
s[ambig] = 64
# Shape into rows of codons
codon_s = s.reshape(-1, 3).copy()
# Convert to usual binary encoding
codon_s[codon_s==97] = 0
codon_s[codon_s==99] = 1
codon_s[codon_s==103] = 2
codon_s[codon_s==116] = 3
# Bit shift converts these numbers to a codon index
codon_s[:, 1] = np.left_shift(codon_s[:, 1], 2)
codon_s[:, 2] = np.left_shift(codon_s[:, 2], 4)
codon_map = np.fmin(np.sum(codon_s, 1), 64)
# Count the codons in a loop
inc_count(codon_map, X)
# Cut off ambiguous
X = X[0:64, :]
return X, n_samples
Overview of the algorithm
This also checks for any non-acgt bases and puts them in an imaginary 65th codon,
which acts as a bin for any unobserved data. Stops can also be removed. A numba
loop is used to speed up the final count.
Overall this is about 50% faster than the dictonary implementation for this size of data, but is quite a bit more complex and likely error-prone. This type of processing can become worth it when the strings are larger, as we will see.
Alternative python implementations
We can also try alternative implementations of the python interpreter over the
standard CPython
. A popular one is pypy
which can
be around 10x faster for no extra effort. You can install via conda.
On my system for the sum benchmake, this ended up being 3-10x slower than CPython
sum_lol 36.7518346660072
sum2_lol 56.79283958399901
but for the codon counting benchmark, was about twice as fast:
fn1: 2.63s
fn2: 0.83s
It costs almost nothing to try in many cases, but make sure you take some measurements.
Memory optimisation
It's often the case that you want to reduce memory use rather than increase speed. Similar tools can be used for memory profiling, however in python this is more difficult. If memory is an issue, using a compiled language where you have much more control over allocation and deallocation, moving and copying usually makes sense.
In python, using preallocated arrays can help you control and predict memory, and ensuring you don't copy large objects or delete them after use is also a good start.
Some other tips:
- Avoid reading everything into memory and compute 'on the fly'. The above code reads in all of the sequences first, then processes them one at a time. These could be combined, so codons counts are updated after each sequence is read in, so then only one sequence needs to fit in memory.
- You can use disk (i.e. files) to move objects in and out of memory, at the cost of time.
- Memory mapping large files you wish to modify part of can be an effective approach.
Writing extensions in compiled code
It is possible to write C/C++ code and call it from python using Cython
. Instead,
I would highly recommend either the pybind11
or nanobind
packages which make this a lot easier.
The tricky part is writing your setup.py
and Makefile
to get
everything to work together. If you are interested in this approach, examples from
some of our group's packages may be helpful:
calls C++ and CUDA code from python.mandrake
does the same, but also returns an object used in the python code.ggcaller
uses both python and C++ code throughout.
Please feel free to adapt and reuse the build approach taken in any of these.
Other optimisations
For data science, have a look at the following packages for tabular data:
- GPU accelerated data frames: https://docs.rapids.ai/api/cudf/stable/- Apache arrow and Parquet format: https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/index.html
Notes (for next year)
- Code should probably be given, rather than written
- This isn't doable for R users
- 1st part unclear what should be read/checked
- Which reading frames
- Snakeviz a good tool for visualisation of profiles
- Better examples of fasta and expected output
- Bitshift example is the wrong way round